原载《侨报周末》2006-11-15 23:46:42
--关于Priority date carry-over


这个用来算排期的日期,移民局称之为优先日期,即Priority Date,一般来说,是指劳工部收到劳工证申请,或是移民局收到I-140申请的日期。





以下是William R. Yates, Associate Director of Operations for USCIS 关于Priority date carry-over问题的解释,以及对于8 C.F.R. §204.5(e)关于Priority date carry-over 的解读,有兴趣的读者可以读读看。

“Generally, for an employment-based visa petition supported by a labor certification issued by the Department of Labor, the priority date is the earliest date that the labor certification application was filed. Once the alien’s I-140 application is approved, the alien beneficiary retains the priority date determined by the original Department of Labor filing, even for any future I-140 petitions, such as in the case of a new employer. Please keep in mind, however, that the new employer must obtain a new labor certification if required.

“8 C.F.R. §204.5(e) allows for priority date retention under the EB-1, 2, and 3 categories for whom a subsequent employment-based petition is filed, provided that the prior petition was not revoked or denied. Thus an alien is accorded the priority date of the initial approved petition for any subsequently filed petition for any classification under the EB-1, 2 or 3 categories. In the event that the alien is the beneficiary of multiple petitions under the EB-1, 2 or 3 categories, he or she shall be entitled to the earliest priority date. If the prior petition was denied or revoked for any reason, the alien will not be able to benefit from this regulation.”



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