nba_fan2006-12-25 23:36:25
明天动手. 有什么我需注意的, 各位高手?
1. SUE Director of Homeland Security (DHS), and US Attorney General (USAG)?
I know that I have to sue the Director of USCIS and Director of FBI, not 100% sure if I have to sue or it is worth sueing DHS and USAG.
2. 我应准备SUMMONS MYSELF?I will not have the SUMMONS ready until I filed the complaint, right?
december32006-12-26 01:16:56
1.yes2.yes, prepare summons together with complaint, the clark w
nba_fan2006-12-26 01:24:03
thanks december3. 我绿卡到手后一定请你喝酒
december32006-12-26 01:40:59