PERMorLC2006-12-27 16:52:59
I would like to ask for your advice about filing WOM.

My situation is below:
EB2 (assistant professor in a major research university, background electronic engineering, currently in medical school)
PD Dec.2004
I-140 AD Sept.2005
I-485 RD Sept.2005
Finger print Nov.2005
I was told by local immigrant officer that my NC (also my wife's) was sent to FBI in Sept.2005 and is still pending.

The main concern about the delay is that there are several grants (from NIH and DoD) that I cannot apply for without greencard. And the deadlines are coming soon.

My department is willing to write any letter for me to anyone, but does not encourage me to file WOM as they fear the government might retaliate. So I have several questions:
1. The FAQ from the name check program said that FBI will only expedite the process if requested by CIS.
Would it help if my department write to director of Lincoln Center? If so, who should we write to (e.g., the address)? Would it help if they write to congress or senate judicial committee or FBI? I have contacted the senators in my state, but they said they wouldn't contact FBI directly.
2. if I decide to file WOM, how can I get writing proof of when the NC was sent to FBI from USCIS? I called USCIS last month but got no reply.
3. do you think if my case is strong enough?

Thanks a lot.
thatwillbenice2006-12-27 16:56:47
go WOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That will be helpful definitely
december32006-12-27 17:04:19
for your case, the key point is :
xiaobaitu2006-12-27 17:12:01
You'd better require your university to push CIS service
december32006-12-27 17:21:23
yes, I know some cases were solved this way
PERMorLC2006-12-27 17:55:59
回复:yes, I know some cases were solved this way
december32006-12-27 17:59:41
write to senator,ask him to forward to FBI