To 知名度比较高 色大胆小 版主:
We believe this forum is intended to help Chinese people with immigration issues. For more than 1.5 yrs, I have been reading and getting useful information from this forum. As oversea Chinese, we should be united and help each other.
Please pay attention to the post by ymymym and by Wangbaishi96 today. These are very insulting and inappropriate. The comments by ymymym and Wangbaishi96 about people from Fujian and Guandong are ridiculous and have not logical base. How could you expand your blame or hate to all people from Fujian and Guandong just because some criminals are from there or some of them are not good looking in your eyes?
Please stop attacking other Chinese people from those areas. Please do not create hate among Chinese people from different regions. We need more nice and helpful person like 版主, XiaoBaitu, Radiology, my two cents, instead of people trying to create conflicts among Chinese people from different regions.