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- [immigration]
USCIS Clarifies Criteria to Expedite FBI Name Check.
The USCIS says that it will no longer "routinely" request the FBI to expedite a name check when the only reason for the request is because a mandamus (WOM) or other federal court petition is filed in the case.
Given the use of the word "routinely," it is possible that the USCIS could still make an expedite request in certain exceptional cases.
公民NC官司不行了, 不知道485官司还能打否:
给顶置一下吧, 想打官司的别浪费钱和精力了. 此路不通了.
Several WOM cases actually were granted by Judge
Yes,quite a few Orders favoring plaintiff granted
can u give some examples? as far as i knew,
Why people like to scare themselves?
我又有信心打官司了. 想给父母办绿卡, 孩子5个月了, 希望父母带过一
Wom should still work for FBI