TexasJMS2007-04-06 16:45:29
I just landed in Vancouver today. However, when I entered into the Canadian Custom, they asked me to come back to US to ask for a form I-160A. I was told it is a routine. When I drove back to US customer, they give me the form, it said “refused of admission to US”. I am scared and when I drive back to the Canada custom and I was told it was an agreement between US and Canada and the letter is for them not for me and should not have impact for my future trip to US. I am supposed to come back to US this Saturday, I do not know if there is any problem when come back per the automatic visa revalidation.

Besides, the US custom officer marked a cross on my expired F visa stamp. Will it be any problem for my entry?
贾律师2007-04-06 17:04:12
回复:Can someone help? Urgent!!!
szfifa2007-04-06 17:49:07
回复:Can someone help? Urgent!!!