SoCal2007-04-09 21:00:56
I am a permanent resident of Canada and will work in USA with H1B visa. In coming months I need to go back to Canada for my citizenship test and oath (2 trips).

So I am wondering when I go to Toronto consulate for H1B visa stamp whether I will get 2 entries in 3 months (as a Chinese) or multiple entries (because of my PR statues in Canada)? Can I bring this issue with the visa officer, saying that I would like to visit family in Canada so I need the multiple entries (since it is true that my family is still in Canada)?

If I still get 2 entries in 3 months, what do I need to do when I need to go back to Canada? Does it mean every time I should go to USA consulate for a visa stamp?

Thank you so much for your help!
大豆腐2007-04-09 20:59:47
Automatic Multiple entries for Canadian PR