MPOS2007-04-26 17:33:58
It should have been posted April 18,2007
fieldhouse2007-04-26 17:53:40
it is still the one posted on March 15, not new
MPOS2007-04-26 17:58:22
Close your browser and open it again
fieldhouse2007-04-26 18:12:18
nope. neither the NSC nor the TSC got updated. Still March 15
naozi3212007-04-26 18:13:16
回复:Close your browser and open it again
MPOS2007-04-26 18:18:44
Do you have another computer?
MPOS2007-04-26 18:23:13
回复:回复:Close your browser and open it again
sunnyfeng2007-04-26 18:46:51
Got it.
fieldhouse2007-04-26 19:22:24
thanks. got it. updated on April 18
才想办绿卡2007-04-26 20:31:06