Jasmin20072007-05-05 15:17:27
My 6th year H-1B will be expired o Feb.2008.Recentely I got a job offer which I accepted last week.However there are two issues I just realize that could screw up my GC application.Please help me out if anyone knows the answer of two questons as below:
1,Can H-1B transfer be expedited by paying extra fee?If yes,how long does it take?If not,normally how soon I can get my H-1B transfered to new company.The reason I'm asking this is that my current H-1B will be expired by Feb.2008,I have to file extension after I file a new GC application through new company.The time is so tight,if H-1B transfer take long time,I will not be able to file GC.

2,Can I start GC process even before my H-B is not transferd to new company?Like start preparing job ad and paper works etc.

This is so critical for me,please give me your adice.Thanks!
xiaobaitu2007-05-05 15:14:58
1,Yes,within 15 days 2,Yes
doshexh2007-05-05 15:18:32
回复:急,急,Xiaobaitu 和各位大侠看过来
xiaobaitu2007-05-05 15:25:19
LC or I-140 pending more than one year is enough
Jasmin20072007-05-05 15:30:56
my 140 got approved .Can I extende my H1B another 3years
doshexh2007-05-05 15:32:41
回复:my 140 got approved .Can I extende my H1B another 3years
Jasmin20072007-05-05 16:10:18
回复:回复:my 140 got approved .Can I extende my H1B another 3y
doshexh2007-05-06 05:48:07
回复:回复:回复:my 140 got approved .Can I extende my H1B anot