JohnZou2003-10-14 18:21:00
Hi guys,

Need your help on my parents' visa application. They got denied visas
yesterday, and they don't have obvious drawbacks except they are over 70
years old, I have a brother and a sister in China, and I went back twice
since coming over here in 95. The VO said that we need to buy insurance for
them and provide the receipt, and they'll be granted visas next time. Any
idea what insurance we should get and where to buy? is it health insurance?
life insurance? or both? I heard about this issue before but didn't learn
how to deal with it, so please if you had same experience, shed some light.
thanks a bunch.

1124356212003-10-14 19:17:00
Need your help
hgd2003-10-14 19:26:00
never heard this.
2234512003-10-14 19:31:00
回复:never heard this.