vsc-11112007-07-09 20:34:48
I went on whitehouse.gov and couldn't find it!

I desperately want to push my case forward (maybe no use, but want to try), which PD was Aug.05, NIW-EB2, and last month's infopass couldn't tell me if name check is pending or clearing, don't know what are these bastards doing.

Thanks for any help!
whoiswhat2007-07-09 20:47:07
I got her cell phone number, do you want?
萨克斯风2007-07-09 20:55:52
第一夫人的联络方式, 也许联系本州参议员办公室才有用
tomy2007-07-09 20:57:12
First lady's contact information
vsc-11112007-07-09 21:11:08
Thanks, guys!