lsway2003-10-15 19:00:00
I applied for Canadian PR in August 2001, took medical exam in December 2002, haven't received a thing since then. Is this processing time normal? By the way, my case status was changed to Decision made way back in November 2002. However, I am no longer able to locate the information for my case on line since June this year. Any similar situation?

I called CIC this morning, and the agent said if I think the processing time is not normal and got no response to my inquiries, I can write to the office handling visa office complaints in Ottawa. Anyone had such experience, is it helpful at all?

any reply will be greatly appreciated

trythisone2003-10-15 20:46:00
I think CIC forgot about your
lsway2003-10-16 01:29:00
I think CIC forgot about your