south2007-07-29 02:25:30
My Mother is in China now and she got the interview notice from Guangzhou US embassy.
She visited US several years ago. she stayed for one year after she got the approve of extension.
She is told that this time she needs to bring the letter of the notice (the extension approve notice she got several years ago)for the interview.
We couldn't find the notice, it's been so many years. Can I ask INS to send me one. do they still have the record? what can I do if we can't find/got one?
thank you so much for any advice.
pjiang2007-07-29 02:35:04
You may request "A duplicate approval notice" - 回复:Guangzhou vis
south2007-07-29 02:47:49
回复:You may request "A duplicate approval notice" - 回复:Guangzhou