认真选笔名2007-07-31 21:34:57

NIW, 140、485 filed concurrently at CSC on 09/28/2005
First FP on 11/18/2005
Transferred from CSC to TXC on 03/17/2006
140 AD 06/30/2006
second FP 03/17/2007,但是打完指纹后没有LUD,LP的有。
06/05/2007 infopass,被告知LP的NC clear了,但我的还在pending. 沮丧之余06/06/2007给senator写信,过了五个星期收到回信说他们已经联系FBI了,等收到FBI的答复会再次通知我。觉得又是敷衍型的回信,大概到时候得到的答复就是我已经知道的“还在pending”, 于是07/10/2007又给下面三位(地址供参考,但愿大家都不需要)写信:

Mrs. Laura Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20500

Mr. Michael A.Cannon
Section Chief
National Name Check Program Section
Records Management Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Timothy J. Keefer
Deputy office for programs and compliance
U.S. Department of home land security
Office of civil rights and civil liberties
Department of Homeland Security
Mail Stop #0800
Washington, DC 20528

然后07/25/2007收到email说485批了(LP和我的同时批准),07/28收到email说卡已经寄出,然后07/30一起收到了approval notice and green cards. 不知道是第一封给senator的信起了作用(后面的三封肯定没起作用,估计人家还来不及看呢),还是NC本来就到时间了,反正是批了。所以不要灰心,也许你的绿卡明天就批了。

mricase2007-07-31 21:50:24