wash2004-05-04 01:48:11
at the end of November this year for a Ph.D. in Chemistry.

I want to pay a visit China before I start working.

What is the best time for me? this summer or at the beginning of December?

I know that I would probably be checked if I go back this summer, but I will still be able to come back soon or later. Now, if I go back right after my ph.d. defense, is it possible that I would never come back to the US because my graduate mentor told me that once I have finished my defense, my I-20 would indicate that I have got the degree. Therefore, the visa officer would suspect that I have the tendency of immigration.

I am not sure if this is ture. Brothers and sisters, if you have any suggestions please let me know.

I really appreciate it!

you can either post your suggestions online or email to me at dai_application@yahoo.com
sdfsdfsdff2004-05-04 19:01:45
回复:Dear fellows, I am graduating