20074852007-08-07 01:47:09
今天打电话给USCIS,被escalate to the 2nd level customer service的immigration officer,当问及7/30 和8/17之间file 485费用问题是,这个Immigration officer竟然说因该交new fee。我就问他,那你们移民局的网站上不是说8/17前file 485应该交old fee吗?他又严肃的重复说,7/30以后都应该交新费用,否则就会退件。要是移民局处理案件的人都搞不懂他们自己的规定怎么办?我可否写两张支票,一张$395,另一张$1010,都放在485 filing package里面?恳请小白兔,皮匠等专家澄清.叩谢了!
pjiang2007-08-07 01:52:29
$395 - 回复:恳请小白兔,皮匠等专家澄清8/17前file 485费用问题
20074852007-08-07 02:00:38
回复:$395 - 回复:恳请小白兔,皮匠等专家澄清8/17前file 485费用问题
pjiang2007-08-07 02:15:40
不要脱裤子放屁 - 回复:$395 - 回复:恳请小白兔,皮匠等专家澄清8/17前file 485费用问题
20074852007-08-07 02:32:34
回复:不要脱裤子放屁 - 回复:$395 - 回复:恳请小白兔,皮匠等专家澄清8/17前file 485费用问题
20074852007-08-07 02:41:41
回复:回复:$395 - 回复:恳请小白兔,皮匠等专家澄清8/17前file 485费用问题
pjiang2007-08-07 02:53:36
They're supposed to return your $1,010 payment - 回复:回复:回复:$395 -
20074852007-08-07 03:07:46
回复:They're supposed to return your $1,010 payment - 回复:回复:回复:$39
pjiang2007-08-07 03:30:41
Doing so only helps you feel better. - 回复:They're supposed to r
20074852007-08-07 03:52:04
回复:Doing so only helps you feel better. - 回复:They're supposed t