Beginner072007-08-22 20:14:51
I am on H1B Status (the entry visa stamp already expired years ago) and just submitted 140 in July and 485 before August 17. I hope to go to a conference in Canada in October for only a week.

Could I just go and come back without any new H1 visa stamp or I 485 receipt notice? (Really hope so)Or i have to get one of them? What is the most conveinient solution?

I asked lawyers and their answers are different. I need to make the decisoon myself but your experience and opinions are really helpful! Thanks!
radiology2007-08-22 20:30:09
回复:with ur I-94, but need Canada visa
Beginner072007-08-22 21:08:27
回复:回复:with ur I-94, but need Canada visa