Beginner072007-09-28 04:36:00
Just saw your comment on Sept 09: "去加拿大没有问题,因为不收I-94"

Two further related questions:
1. Is a new I-94 issued when this person re-enters USA?

2. How risky is that one is going to visit Canada (like for a meeting)before receiving the receipt of I-485 application? Will this I-485 be considered automatically abandoned by USCIS?

MANY MANY thanks!

xiaobaitu2007-09-28 06:44:07
回复:Please help, Xiaobaitu, on questions of I-94 when visiting Ca
nonpro2007-09-28 14:42:18
follow up question
Beginner072007-09-28 19:51:33
回复:回复:Please help, Xiaobaitu, on questions of I-94 when visiting