donkeyroad2007-12-20 04:29:39
donkeyroad2007-12-20 04:33:22
sorry, link inside
call8882007-12-20 17:02:10
Thanks for your work! a question?
Tatung2007-12-20 17:54:43
还要确保在wom期间,和你nc clear后的时间里pd current 吧
donkeyroad2007-12-20 19:02:31
回复:Thanks for your work! a question?
pbsize2007-12-20 19:11:45
如果是法院order, 无论是怎样, 就要在着其间搞定.visa number is not a problem
panglele2007-12-20 20:17:27
回复:WOM案例-法官判决分析(10) Northern District of California, San Jose Di
call8882007-12-20 21:09:48
yes, confirmed! i have to wait till 2 year or now to file WOM?