这是又一个I-485通过WOM解决了拖延问题的成功例子.这是NJ法庭的.他的I485是2005年9月 EB2, 先是卡在NC上,后来NC完了,有30天的时间是万事具备:NC,排期,处理日期,可移民局没动作.然后是排期倒退.绝望之既在2007年11月(排期倒退生效前)自己匆忙把移民局告上法庭,希望能给一个公道. 可他把状子邮寄错了,只好在2008年四月重新邮寄. 六月底收到政府律师的MTD,当时他收到MTD时很恐慌,询问我们的意见. 我们建议他继续坚持下去,我们帮他准备反驳,在7月中旬交上去,当时排期公布,他的申请从8月就有VISA了. 我们当时预测他会是8月第一批处理的申请,见
WOM官司和排期的关系 , 果然不出所料,他在8月2号就收到I-485批准通知. 下面我们来详细分析一下政府律师的MTD及他们出示的一些材料以方便后来人.
下面是Director of NSC 在2008年6月23提供给法庭的证词(做假证可是很严重的事,所以这个可不比满天飞的消息,还是很有参考价值的)
"This suit should be dismissed pursuant to Rules 12(b)(1) or 12(b)(6). This Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to adjudicate plaintiff's claims because Congress has divested teh courts of jurisdiction over suits seeking review of decision or actions that are committed to agency discretion"
这是老生常谈,几乎所有的MTD都是一这个,我们对这个反驳是非常自信.在最近NJ一个公民申请WOM案子 详细情况见
WOM官司又解决两例公民申请拖延---NJ法庭和Michican东部法庭 ,对方政府律师很嚣张,说他刚处理一个,法官以这理由DISMISS了这个WOM.可在收到我们准备的反驳后不久就安排了公民面试,估计是他没信心赢我们这个WOM.这也算是打击了一下他. 对移民WOM来说,NJ不算友好的,目前有四个判决,2个是支持移民,2个支持移民局(当然,大部分是庭外和解,就是移民局处理完申请,原告同意撤消案子). 但对拖延了很久的申请,我们从来都是鼓励WOM.因为你已经输到没什么好输的了. 大不了再输也不没什么可怕了. 但实际情况是他们是指老虎,只能吓到意志不坚定者.我们最近有3个案子在这法庭成功拿下.见详细情况见
"For the reasons stated at the hearing and in this Memorandum, I have reached a tentative conclusion that Defendant USCIS, overwhelmed by these applications, has adopted a strategy of favoring delay by litigation, instead of developing an orderly and transparent administrative resolution. Although this strategy is often evidence in private party damage litigation, it is improper in these cases. "( ED. Pa, Mocanu v. Mueller, et al, No. 07-0445)
"Plaintiff's and co-plaintiff's name check requests were electronically submitted to the FBI on September 30, 2005. The FBI acknowlege receipt of Co-plaintiff's name check on February 8, 2006. The FBN nam echeck for Co-plaintiff was completed on Febryary 27, 2006. The FBI acknowledged receipt of Plaintiff's name check on Oct 19, 2007, and was completed on October 29, 2007."
1. 给FBI的NC是在他和他太太交上I-485申请后不久 (这不是新东西,基本上所有的NC都是在申请交上不久就传给FBI了,什么时候能反馈给FBI,那就是你的运气了)
2. 可FBI拖了几个月确认收到,他太太的NC在十几天就完成了.可他的NC交到FBI在近2年才确认收到NC申请,然后十天后就完成了. 可见很多时候并不是你的NC很麻烦,而是他们的交流,或是说他们的系统有问题而造成不必要的拖延.
3. 在2007年十一月其间,他的申请是处于完全准备好的状态,可因为移民局的拖延而造成他一次次错过机会.
The Nebraska Service Center employs over 1,000 federal and contract workers adn currently has the approximately 187,930 emplpyment-based Form I-485 adjustment of status cases, about 70,579 of which are still waiting completion of FBI name checks before they can be adjudicated. Of an additional 85,895 (estimated) pending asylum/refugee-base Form I-485 adjustment of status case.there are approximately 8,061 awaiting response on FBI name checks. Of a total figure of 83,345 naturalization filing being processed at the Nebraska Service Center, there are approximately 21,728 waiting responses on FBI name checks. Cases in which the pending FBI name check is the only impediment to final adjudication are audited on a weekly basis in order to identify those in which a response from the FBI has been received. Once the security checks are completed, the case can be evaluated for visa number availability.
这里没说具体这些等FBI结果的申请有多久了, 就 "",我们曾经在这里讨论过, 详细情况见
Name Check Memo 到底还有没有效之争论
现在看来,虽然有NC MEMO, 但它并不是充分条件. 具体怎么操作还看具体情况.按中国话说是"上有政策,下有对策". 这也是好多申请在满足所有条件情况下还等了几年的情况发生.
"A visa will not be available for Plaintif during July 2008. If USCIS requested a visa from the U.S. Department of State on behalf of Plaintiff, the request would be denied due to Plaintiff's priority date"
估计好多人类似,处于一个恶性循环: 有排期时等NC,NC完了(或NC MEMO)又等排期, 什么好了又等他们大老爷们干活.他们要拖一拖,又会错过时机.
我们先是把所有他们该处理的时间段列出来,然后明确指出是他们的拖延造成现在的局面.最后要求,即使因为排期,现在不能处理他们的申请,那么下次一旦他们的排期到了,那么他们应该是第一批被处理的申请,再也不能以其他借口拖延了. 如我们所愿,他们两口子的I-485在8月2号批准了.