donkeyroad2008-02-07 01:30:13
首先,这里 提到过得7个案子合并在一起(6个没面试的公民案子, 一个I485案子),但在上次听证会前告知唯一的那个I485NC已经做完了,移民局应该很快能把那个案子处理,所以这次就不再讨论那个案子里. "the record also shows that USCIS has issued a "fact sheet" dated April 25, 2006 which describes the process for immigration security checks. This documents make clear that FBI name check are not required for all applications, but does not disclose how a decision is made whether to require a name check 我们一直以为每个人都要做Name Check, 结果这里告诉你并不是这样的,但是这里并没有告诉你以什么样的标准决定什么人要Name Check, 什么人不要Name Check,原来移民也分三类九等呀 ! Indeed, one looking at this issue from a national security perspective could seriously question the priorities adopted by USCIS in its dealing with the one percent of naturalization applicants for whom name checks cannot be completed promptly, i.e. within six months. If these individuals are potentially dangerous to the security of the United States, it seems their applications should be expedited over all other work. The government should not allow individuals who are threats to the security of our country to remain at large in the United States. These individuals should instead be placed in custody as quickly as possible, have their LPR status revoked, and be deported, forthwith. Thus, the principal legal question is whether USCIS can properly require a name check for all naturalization applicants without any Congressional statute, authorization or rule promulgation within its own agency-particularly where name check process for plaintiffs is taking several years for completion, and information as to the complete date or reason for the delay is unavailable. Another legal issue remains as to whether, if relief is to be granted to the Plaintiffs, the Court should do so in these proceedings, or remand to the USCIS, with or without time limits 在这次报告中,法官提出几个尖锐的问题:1. 他认为从真正的国家安全角度来看,如果真的这些等了这么久的申请人有可能危害国家安全的话,他们的案子应该优先审查,这样真有问题就可以尽快下一步(比如遣返)处理. (按照这样的思维,是不是可以认为,不友好国家来的人的案子应该优先处理,而盟国人的案子应该最后,而现在好象正好相反?) 2.在没有明确的国会授权下(在听证会上,移民局的高层代表确实不能明确回答他们是否被国会授权这样做),USCIS这样要求对所有公民申请人进行NC是不是合法? 3.如果申请人的诉求被法庭接受,那本庭该总么做:是就在本庭判决他们的公民申请,还是退回到USCIS要他们处理?那该不该设定一个期限? (这个我们在前面的公民案 中也讨论过) 提供
pjiang2008-02-07 16:36:06
并非是针对不同的人 - 回复:Name check lawsuit, Eastern Court of PA跟踪报道(2)