bluecalla2008-02-26 04:32:23

今天收到了NIW 的RFE from NSC。下面是来信的内容,只有这么几段话,不是很多。我们是DIY的,担心对他们的要求理解不透,有一些问题请各位大虾们帮出出主意。

Please submit any available additional documentary evidence that, as of the petition priority date, you had a degree of influence on your field that distinguishes you from other scientists with comparable academic/professional qualifications. The evidence may include, for example, copies of additional published articles that cite or otherwise recognize your research achievements. Similarly, evidence of official recognition conferred on you by governmental entities or professional organization may also be submitted.

Please submit a complete list of your personal published articles, and a list of citations from a respected professional service.

(Please note: the evidence already submitted demonstrates that the proposed research employment has substantial intrinsic merit and will be national in scope. )


1) 除了submit要求的personal published articles and citations, 我还需要提供其他的资料吗,比如说更多的推荐信。
2) 从file I-140之后,我的publication 和citation 并没有太大的变化,有没有好办法弥补这些不足?
3) File I-140 的时候,我的研究领域是biomedical research (endocrinology), 之后到现在,我换了实验室,研究领域还是biomedical research, 但主要是immunology。 这会对我的申请造成影响吗?


bluecalla2008-02-26 13:57:48
奇怪,写在please 后面的submit不见了。