请教小白兔, blwinter及其他前辈:
我准备motion to reopen 我的I-140. 我查阅了一下USCIS的介绍, Form I-290B Notice of Appeal or Motion 中有几个选项如下:
A. I am filing an appeal. My brief and/or additional evidence is attached.
B. I am filing an appeal. My brief and/or additional evidence will be submitted to the AAO within 30 days.
C. I am filing an appeal. No supplemental brief and/or additional evidence will be submitted.
D. I am filing a motion to reopen a decision. My brief and/or additional evidence is attached.
E. I am filing a motion to reconsider a decision. My brief is attached.
F. I am filing a motion to reopen and a motion to reconsider a decision. My brief and/or additional evidence is attached.
我又查阅了一下移民论坛中以前的记录,讲motion to reopen不需要fileI-290B.