SHIWANG2008-03-24 15:36:46
Hi, all,

You guys see how strong my case is, but I just got deny email from USCIS... two things seem true:

EX375 is a very very very bad IO
RS is no good for the case

in 1989 when I was on the street fighting against Chinese government, I thought the USA is the right place to go. ten years later I came to this country, and devote all my energy and knowledge to her as a leading expert in the research field.... but an IO killed my dream and all my love about this country... maybe I was wrong at the first place in 1989!

information about my case: 32 publications (most first and corresponding author, about 80 citations), one book charpt, one invited review by leading journal in the field, PI of one grant in the USA, PI of three grants in China, reviewer for three journals, letters from 8 well-known scientists in the field including three former or current presidents of the society.... I do not show off here, all I want to point out is that ----- IO is the key for your case!

_:mad: _:mad:
gcprisoner2008-03-24 15:41:26
回复:NIW RFE case (NSC, IO EX375) denied
aus2008-03-24 15:41:38
回复:NIW RFE case (NSC, IO EX375) denied
名花无主2008-03-24 15:42:28
表示同情!!但是这事好像跟89没什么联系, 不要跟89扯到一起吧..
pjiang2008-03-24 15:50:30
Background (hardware) is good, the problem may exist in - 回复:NIW
SHIWANG2008-03-24 15:50:49
Thanks to you all... all I want is to tell you to be careful to
iapcjj2008-03-24 15:51:18
I agree. This has nothing to do with the '89.
-▄︻┻┳﹄>>>>2008-03-24 16:00:02
I think you should sub-mit as an EB1 filer, a wrong categor file
Davidchen20072008-03-24 16:37:01
回复:NIW RFE case (NSC, IO EX375) denied
sleepbear2008-03-24 16:37:28
you're very strong.The immigration system has big problems
blackbird-MD2008-03-24 16:50:14
Appeal is a fast way to recover your case and save time and mon
YBB2008-03-24 16:57:47
blackbird-MD2008-03-24 17:00:22
BTW, IO CLH656 is bad either
SHIWANG2008-03-24 17:08:44
SHIWANG2008-03-24 17:10:47
hi, blackbird, do you have suggestions or experience of appeal
needwait..2008-03-24 17:15:12
Did your research fit to NIW?
SHIWANG2008-03-24 17:22:00
I study plant pathogens, and my research is sure about NI
sunning2008-03-24 17:25:55
Appeal!!!回复:I study plant pathogens, and my research is sure abo
zxl000012008-03-24 17:42:00
olderpostdoc2008-03-24 17:56:24
contact with me if you want to do appeal.
waiting2long2008-03-24 18:34:26
回复:NIW RFE case (NSC, IO EX375) denied
sloop2008-03-24 20:44:37
回复:NIW RFE case (NSC, IO EX375) denied
SHIWANG2008-03-24 20:57:39
Thanks, I am in CT now, so resub case will go to TSC
fsa20002008-03-25 04:38:34
回复:NIW RFE case (NSC, IO EX375) denied
无妻徒行2008-03-25 05:38:48
可能是:too good to be true...
BM_July2ndfiler2008-04-29 23:42:32
回复:NIW RFE case (NSC, IO EX375) denied