SHIWANG2008-07-17 20:05:30
my case is approved by EX375 at NSC... I did the second MTR myself, and personally I feel #375 is reasonable.. my lawyer made mistakes and caused the REF and denial even after he submitted a over 50 page document in first MTR/Appeal. I addressed the IO's concern in 4 pages in the second MTR, and apparently the IO likes simple but direct response to his/her questions without listing out redundant documents. When you response the IO in a right way, #375 is quick and efficient -- my MTR was approved in 4 weeks! Friends here gave me help and support, many thanks to you all!
blackbird-MD2008-07-17 20:10:21
mricase2008-07-17 20:19:47
china20082008-07-17 20:49:06
660 days already, nothing happened. EB1a-140, NSC
shinn2008-07-17 23:07:23
回复:NIW-140 approved after 700 days at NSC