Dear Pjiang,
I so appreciate your prompt answer regarding my last questions and feel very sorry to trouble and ask you the same question again, because I worry this very much!
I e-mail the following questions to my school last week and today I just got a very brief answer from my school, but I still don't understand their answer very well.
The questions I e-mail to school as follows:
According to the OPT new rule, students under OPT cannot have more than90 days of unemployment gap, I am wondering that
1)are unemployment dates prior the announcement date of this newrule,namely April 8 2008, also considered as part of these 90 days ofunemployment? For example: if my OPT started on Jan 1, 2008 and I got ajob on Mar 1, 2008. So does this 60 days of unemployment,which is priorthe April 8, count into the 90 days of unemployment?
The answer I got from school as follows:
"Starting on April 8th, student cannot be unemployed more than a total of90 days during their year of OPT. "
So base on the answer from school, does that 60 days of unemployment prior April 8 (the example in my question) count or not count into the 90 days of
unemployment by the new opt rule?
I very appreciate your kindness help!!