在水四方2008-09-06 15:52:42
老公I-130 已经批了, 现在在等I-485. 下面是网上查到的最近的信息.

On August 28, 2008, we received your response to our request for evidence. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. You should expect to receive a written decision or written update within 60 days of the date we received your response unless fingerprint processing or an interview are standard parts of case processing and have not yet been completed, in which case you can use our processing dates to estimate when this case will be done. This case is at our NEBRASKA SERVICE CENTER location. Follow the link below to check processing dates. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.

我申请的EAD, 刚收到EMAIL通知说已经在做, 一个月内能收到.

我找到一个比较不怎么样的工作, 年薪不到60K, H-1 费用还都要自己出. 算下来, 要交$3250. 本来想双保险, 万一老公I-485被拒, 全家不必被迫离开美国. 现在自己要出这么一笔钱, 真有点舍不得.

想问大家的是, 象我老公这种情况, I-485还有被拒的可能性吗? 如果没有, 我就直接用EAR 卡了, 可以省我$3250大元.

在水四方2008-09-06 17:30:29
PJIANG, 小白兔, 还是别的大狭, 请指教啊
美西游子2008-09-06 21:06:28
God knows!
在水四方2008-09-06 23:15:04
我决定用EAD. 如果LG 485 被拒,我再换H-1, 可行吗?
美西游子2008-09-07 06:01:29
your status will be OOS if your 485 gets denied.
sdfsdfsdff2008-09-07 23:41:40
回复:我应该用EAD 卡还是申请H-1呢?
在水四方2008-09-08 02:51:42