EADnighmare2008-09-19 22:45:45
Today is our last date. EAD receipt date was 5/21/08. Finally today the Congressman's office informed us that we need to refile application, and their office will help us turn in the application to the right person.
hongxiao2008-09-19 22:46:03
回复:Smokingsowman, we are in the same shoe, hope this help you
EADnighmare2008-09-19 22:52:36
回复:回复:Smokingsowman, we are in the same shoe, hope this help you
sdfsdfsdff2008-09-19 23:12:16
回复:Smokingsowman, we are in the same shoe, hope this help you
acgt-gcta2008-09-20 00:46:24
回复:Smokingsowman, we are in the same shoe, hope this help you