渴望爱情的猫2008-10-29 20:38:14
This is my first time 在 wenxuecity 冒泡. My friend graduated from a top 10 business school PH.D program this year and is currently working as a researcher for a global financial company. The company is willing to sponsor his EB1b. However, the company’s attorney thinks that he is not strong enough for EB1b and refuses to file him as this category. Luckily, the company allows him to find his own attorney from outside and still provides sponsorship.

He also contacted several Chinese attorneys. One of them was positive, one was very negative. Most of them said it really depends on how well the case is documented. Anyway, here is his background:

1. PhD from top 10 business school
2. five journals (first author)
3. six conference papers
4. citation: around 20 times
5. journal reviewer: 4 times
6. International conference co- chair: 1 time

Are there any XDJM with similar background have filed EB1b successfully?
Can you recommend some attorneys who are good at EB1b?

Thanks a lot!!-- mao
渴望爱情的猫2008-11-03 18:22:47
回复:Qualified for EB1b? Please help!