渴望爱情的猫2008-11-03 18:33:36
Sorry for posting again. Can any 大侠 tell me if my friend might be qualified for EB1b? Can you recommend some good attorneys experienced with EB1b?

My friend graduated from a top 10 business school PH.D program this year and is currently working as a researcher for a global financial company. The company is willing to sponsor his EB1b.

1. PhD from top 10 business school
2. five journals (first author)
3. six conference papers
4. citation: around 20 times
5. journal reviewer: 4 times
6. International conference co- chair: 1 time

Thanks a lot!!
immigrationtous2008-11-03 18:48:30
回复:Qualified for EB1b? Please help me!!
exds2008-11-03 21:24:34
fsa20002008-11-04 02:37:51
回复:Qualified for EB1b? Please help me!!