ZHENGA2009-07-16 05:26:42
我6月份收到移民局要我8月10日去面试的通知,但过了大约两个星期又收到一封面试取消的信,理由是unforeseen circumstances. You will be notified of any furthur action taken on this case, including any rescheduled interview information,under separate notice.请问那位XDJM遇到过这种情况的吗?我是办FA 绿卡的。
treadwater2009-07-16 05:43:11
Did you change anything in your file after receiving the 1st not
zhenga2009-07-16 14:29:01
回复:Did you change anything in your file after receiving the 1st
free_bird2009-07-16 14:41:47
zhenga2009-07-16 16:01:07
treadwater2009-07-16 18:13:24
Call USCIS customer service. They will schedule one for you.
zhenga2009-07-16 19:42:54
回复:Call USCIS customer service. They will schedule one for you.
free_bird2009-07-16 20:50:33
zhenga2009-07-17 04:32:16