ILovePretty2010-01-11 16:48:54
Sorry, My PC does not have Chinese editor.

I have a brother who has 14 years old son. I try to apply them to Immigrate U.S. But base on current waiting, they might wait 9 to 10 years, and His son will be 23 or 24 years old then.

My question is, If his son goes to apply F-1 visa after his undergraduate, Will his family immigration will give him a trouble?

Thanks a lot
8632112010-01-11 17:09:14
回复:Help - F-1 and Immigrate VISA
ILovePretty2010-01-11 17:47:14
Thanks for your quick answer
8632112010-01-11 17:58:30
回复:Thanks for your quick answer
ILovePretty2010-01-11 18:26:09
That will be great, Now he will do notary of our brother and sis
8632112010-01-11 18:45:08
回复:That will be great, Now he will do notary of our brother and
ILovePretty2010-01-11 18:52:53
Thanks 863211!!! I got clear now