xu0002010-03-02 05:22:07
I am a H1b holder but also a Canadian citizen. My wife wanted to adopt a child in China. Due to my citizenship, it becomes very difficult to do so. My wife wanted to adopt the child by herself or try to get a birth certificate for the kid. Can anyone tell us the pros and cons if we wanted to bring the kid to US? My wife has used H4 back and forth btw US and China three times. My concern is that if my wife adopts the kid, can she bring the kid to us as I am the father. If we try to get a birth certificate, will my wife get questioned on why she did not arrange to give birth in US because she just went back to China in January and the kid is 4 month old already.

Thank you very much for your help. If there were answers on questions similar to mine here before, pls forward the links to me.