Jiahululu2010-04-19 18:57:10
LD 的EB1B case 刚交上去的第二天就被RFE了(我们用的PP,RFE的速度可真快呀)。非常着急,下面是我们的问题,恳请2位老师和知道的同学帮忙给看看,给些意见吧!!谢谢!!

今天收到传真来的RFE,全是套话,估计IO 根本就没看petition letter,看了一遍简

EB1B的6条全RFE了一遍。不过最上面说了一句:the records indicates that you
submitted evidence relating to the following criteria: A,B,D,E, and F.

问题一)我原来只claim了3项:reviewer, contribution, authorship.但RFE里还要求提
交Award和membership的证据 (我在简历里列了几个funding和membership,估计IO看
contribution 里是不是就不能再用 funding和 membership来做支持了。

问题二)Contribution 的RFE。 信里说"The service acknowledges receipt of
several letters regarding the beneficiary's original contributions to
the field. Now, please submit documentary evidence (not additional
letters) which corroborate the statements made in the submitted
testimonial letters. Be sure to include any articles written about the
beneficiary's contributions, patents given to the beneficiary including
a detailed account of the production, implementation or marketing of the
patented material and/or other documentation which substantiates that
claims made in the support letters.

如果这样,是不是就不用再交 additional support letter了。我倒是还有2封信 (一

问题三) Authorship 的 RFE。 信里说“The records contains evidence of the
beneficiary's published articles and articles authored by other
researchers citing the beneficiary's work. Please submit any additional
published articles by other researchers citing or otherwise recognizing
the beneficiary's research and/or contributions. (Citing articles may
have been published after the filing date.) Please highlight the portion
of the paper that references the beneficiary's work and highlight the
beneficiary's name in the bibliorgraphy or "works cited" section. In the
alternative, you may also submit printouts of search results from such
websites as SciFinder and Google Scholar, just to name two. Please note
that any such printout must contain the title, authors, and publication
information for both the cited and citing article. Search results that
do not contain such details will not be considered evidence.

少,上次我都没提具体数字,只是笼统的说我的work 被cited in various journals,
books, thesis, and presentations。并每样交了一个代表。 这次还把上次交

我这个case cover letter 上有 NSC/BKT EX0097, 是不是就代表97号IO 啊?

顺便说一下,LD在一所公立的research university里作 assistant professor.

8632112010-04-19 19:40:27
回复:恳请863211老师和皮匠老师和知道的同学帮忙:有关EB1B RFE
Jiahululu2010-04-19 20:03:58
谢谢老师,还有一个问题,回复:恳请863211老师和皮匠老师和知道的同学帮忙:有关EB1B RFE
8632112010-04-19 21:34:20
回复:谢谢老师,还有一个问题,回复:恳请863211老师和皮匠老师和知道的同学帮忙:有关EB1B RFE