Jiahululu2010-04-25 07:12:41
两位老师,我刚刚看了USCIS有关245(k)的文章,发现里面对failed to maintain a lawful status and/or violated the Terms of a Nonimmigrant Visa 有这样的论述:

Expiration, revocation or violation of status puts a nonimmigrant out of status, and the alien remains out of status until some adjudication restores status or the alien departs the United States.

我的问题是:假如一个F1,在申请OPT之前,不小心非法打工了一天,按照规定,这个F1应该就out of status 了,过了2个月后他的OPT 被批准了,那么这个算不算some adjudication restores the F1 status? 如果算的话,那么这个F1 out of status的天数就应该是应该是2个月对吗?

拖拉机手2010-04-25 14:07:02
回复:恳请863211老师和皮匠老师帮忙:有关failed to maintain a lawful status
Jiahululu2010-04-26 04:35:11
万分感谢拖拉机手老师, 回答这么全面 回复:恳请863211老师和皮匠老师帮忙:有关failed to maintain a l