ParttimeH1B2010-04-20 02:42:01
急切问讯 皮匠,863211 大侠,本人,单身PHD,有兼职教职offer only,两学期,每学期仅教两门课 (各3 学分),请问
a.hourly rate,weekly hours 怎么算?
b. prevailing rate 自己 搜搜就可以吗还是要file to New York State Department of Labor? (I am in NY)
c. Can I submit LCA online by myself?

问了两位律师,一个指出年收入稍低于local poverty level,得在该校再找1,2 门课来教;另一位说没问题,但要价US2600。

偶刚毕业,低offer,高律师费,学校人事部没经验,很纠结。网上查看得头都大了。恳求助!!Many thanks!
8632112010-04-20 03:01:11
回复:(急)求助:Part-time H1B for Adjunct Instructor
ParttimeH1B2010-04-20 04:00:31
回复:(急)求助:Part-time H1B for Adjunct Instructor
ParttimeH1B2010-04-20 04:15:04
Thank you so much, 863211 !
8632112010-04-20 04:20:56
The lawyer will figure out the way to get the job done.