laohaoren2010-10-29 15:13:08


A friend of mine is a visiting scholar in one US university under the short term J-1 since the beginning of this semester. Now his Chinese institution wants him to stay for another semester to do more research. Chinese institution has provided necessary documents. The host institution in US also prepared all necessary documents including the letter from his advisor for J-1 visa extension. It seems everything is prepared for him to go back to China for a new J-1 visa application. It just gives many challenges and fears to a first-time visitor to handle everything with this extension.

He desperately seeks help to find a way to extend the stay without leaving US.

If anyone on this site knows anything please share and point him to the right directions 

Any suggestions and advices are greatly appreciated.

Have a good weekend.


拖拉机手2010-10-29 17:28:00
His US university should know how to extend his J1
laohaoren2010-10-29 21:37:01
His university wants to send him back to China
8632112010-10-29 23:49:19
回复:His university wants to send him back to China