叫羊種田2011-01-05 03:53:17

In the letter that the local INS office sent me, it suggested me to apply for the waiver which has to prove if I am removed from the US, my immediate family member will suffer great and extream harship.  The problem is I am single and have no immediate faily member that lives in the US; therefore, I clearly will not qualify for this waiver.  I am wondering whether the other waiver which states that if my conviction is more than 15 years old and is proven to pose no danger or harm to the US society is applicable in my case.  Any thoughts or insights on that one?


Also, I spoke with an immigration lawyer today, she strong suggested that I should not make an appointment at the local INS office because quoting from her words, "you will just get some random clark who has no knowledge or authority on your case.  Even if he or she does, he or she will not overturn the INS officer's dicision".  She said I should hire an immigration lawyer and go in stong with my case.  Does her point make sense or she is just trying to solicit business?

Thanks in advance!

Thanks in advance!

8632112011-01-05 04:04:14
回复:863211 大侠,再次求助!
叫羊種田2011-01-05 04:16:31
回复:回复:863211 大侠,再次求助!
8632112011-01-05 04:22:59
回复:回复:回复:863211 大侠,再次求助!
叫羊種田2011-01-05 04:41:00
回复:回复:回复:回复:863211 大侠,再次求助!
husk2011-01-05 14:36:29
回复:863211 大侠,再次求助!
叫羊種田2011-01-06 05:46:04
回复:回复:863211 大侠,再次求助!