ljiazus2011-04-19 18:42:51

Please share your experience if possible. Thank you very much in advance!

I am a U.S. citizen, and applied Chinese “L” visa (tourism visa) to visit my parents soon. I would like to stay there for a couple of months. However, the maximum days that “L” visa allows are 60. This means that I have to apply the visa extension in China for my extended visit. Nevertheless, I still have Chinese 户口 and 身份证 (I keep updated my户口 and 身份证 with my parents). If I go to the local 公安局 to apply the visa extension, they will find out my 户口 and 身份证. I was just wondering whether they will cancel my户口 and 身份证? Actually I still would like to keep my 户口 and 身份证.

Does anyone here have the similar experience? What could I do? Thank you very much for your help in advance!

Man402011-04-20 02:05:43
not allowed to keep 户口 and 身份证 of China
ljiazus2011-04-20 03:00:56
omg, I better not extentend my visa. Thank you!