8 teacher, I searched the web and found the following special clauses regarding B-2 Visa. It looks like my adoted child may be eligible for a B-2 visa. I didn't quite understand the item N11.4 though.
My questions is : Under these clauses for special circumstance, is the immigrant intent still the major factor that prevents from obtaining a B-2 visa?
Thanks so much for your help, you rock!
N11.--Aliens Classifiable B-2 Visitors Under Special Circumstances.
N11.3.--Spouse or Child of U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien. An alien spouse or child, including an adopted alien child, of a United States citizen or resident alien may be classified as a nonimmigrant B-2 visitor if the purpose of the travel is to accompany the spouse or parent for a temporary visit.
N11.4.--Derivative Status not Available to Certain Dependents of Nonimmigrants. Dependents of nonimmigrants who are not entitled to derivative status as in the case of an elderly parent of an E-1 alien or a spouse or child of a principal alien classified H already in possession of a valid B-2 visa for whom it may be inconvenient or impossible to apply for the proper H-4 may be issued B-2 visas. Such dependents, however, must be instructed to request consideration from INS for a 1 year stay upon arrival in the United States. Extensions of stay for the maximum allowable time may also be requested for the duration of the principal alien's nonimmigrant status in the United States.