江南夜雨2012-05-03 22:50:53

我已绿卡,想给国内的太太办I824 Following-to-join办理绿卡,填I-824表有些疑问,麻烦请教你了:

1) Part2. Reason for Request: 是否选“C”,并指定notify the US consulate at: US Consulate General Guangzhou, P. R. China ? 因为只有广州领事馆办理I-824 follow to join?

2) Part3. question 2. Give the following information about the petitioner or applicant or the original petition or application.
Current/Most recent immigration status.
应该填:I-485, 还是填现在的:Green Card (Permanent Residence)?

3)Part3. question 3. Give the following information about the principal beneficiary of the original petition or application.
这儿是填我自己的信息(姓名和地址)吗?为了我爱人的follow to join,这儿需要填吗?

4) part3. question 4. Foreign address. 我爱人在中国的地址,这个就是国家签证中心NVC将来寄材料给我爱人用的地址,是吗?这个空格很小,地址type in不全,是否可以另附页,或是在下方空白处手写全地址?


8632112012-05-04 05:19:28
江南夜雨2012-05-04 17:14:56