我绿卡,在为小孩file I-130 and I-485 concurrently (F2A),多次请教麻烦您,感谢您每次耐心的指点和帮助!现填I-944表遇到问题,请您再次赐教:
Part 2.
Item 1.A.这儿填小孩信息。
“Is this individual filling an application for an immigration benefit with you or has this indivdual already filed an application ?” 应该选Yes还是No ?
Item 1.B.这儿填我的信息。
“Is this individual filling an application for an --- ?” 选Yes还是No ?
Item 1.C.这儿填我爱人的信息。我提交I-130给小孩申请绿卡,不是我爱人,所以问题“Is this individual filling an application for an---” 选No ?
Part 3.
Household income
1.A. 这儿填我的信息。我的收入足以超过指导线。
1.B. 我爱人和我联合报税,她2019年在家没有参加工作,没有收入,所以没有 W-2。这儿要填我爱人的信息吗?
“Did you or your household member, whose income is being included, file a Federal tax return ?”选Yes还是No ?
Total income from tax return 填“0" ?
Item 10."your liabilities/debts"是问我小孩的,应该不是问我的。8岁的小孩没有这些liabilities/debts,是否全部留空 ?
Credit report and score
Item 11.如果选择No, 要求 "provide a credit agency report that demonstrates that you don't have a credit record"
8岁的小孩,B-2入境,在美国没有SSN号也无法查Credit Report,请问应该怎么办??
Item 12.credit score选No的话,在 Item 13还需要解释吗?
Public benefits
我们没有接受过任何public benefits.
Item 17:留空,不用选择Yes or No ?
Item 20:不用选择任何选项,还是,选最后一个“None of the above apply to me”?
Item 25:留空,不用选择Yes or No ?
Part 4.Education and Skills
Item 3.这儿是否留空不填?小孩在美国的公立小学刚一年级毕业。
Item 4.occupational skills 选NO ?
Item 5.language skills部分留空不填?
第2页下面有一行黑字“if you are applying for a non-DACA related AP document, skip to Part 7. DACA recipients must complete part 4”.
Part4.1.a. Purpose of trip,1.b. Country to visit 不确定是否需要填吗?怕画蛇添足,填了有坏处吗? 如果需要填,能否说回中国探亲看家人?
Part 7.On separate sheet of paper, explain how you qualify for AP document and what circumstances warrant issuance of AP. Include copies of any documents. 这个应该怎么写?
实在不好意思,问了很多我们拿不准的具体问题,耽误您宝贵时间了,请您拔冗赐教, 您的助人为乐,我们感激为先!谢谢您!