bbbqqq2013-01-29 21:22:53

I am owner of a small biz, and filing I-130 for parents. I know many HR at large companies have employment letter as a service. In my case, how do I write up an employment letter? Who is going to sign it? I have CPA for my firm. Is he the right person to sign it?


8632112013-01-29 23:15:38
回复:I-130 在职证明信 for self-employeed petitioner
bbbqqq2013-01-30 03:45:34
回复:回复:I-130 在职证明信 for self-employeed petitioner
8632112013-01-30 14:15:45
回复:回复:回复:I-130 在职证明信 for self-employeed petitioner