今天收到移民局的信要求补充材料,是关于I864的,说我的材料里面没有附上proof of current income。
1, The petitioner/sponsor lists their current income in form I-864 as an amount to be considered as sufficient, however, no evidence has been submitted as proof of current income.
submit evidence of the prtitioner/sponsor's current income, such evidence should include:...............
amd Letter of employment ............... (我的确没有附上今年的Pay stub,所以应该补寄)
可是,下面第二页的框也打了叉, 使我有点confused
2. Based on the documents submitted with form I -864, Affidavit of support, for the petitioner/sponsor, the income did not meet 125% (100% military) of the povery guidline for the prtitioner/sponsor's household size.
submit evidence of assets that meet the standards listd below or obtain a joint sponor............
the current income 到底是过没过线呀?
是不是如果我提供不出evidence of current income的话,移民局就认为income did not meet 125% of povery guidline, therefore, I need either find joint sponsor or provide asset evidence???