i-864 是否要给父母分别准备一份?
如果是,那么在填父亲作为 principal immigrant的864时,在part 3还要不要填母亲作为family member 1?
我们家有我,我老公,一个孩子,我父母,我的问题是:Part5 Sponsor’s Household Size
1. Provide the number you entered in part 3, 我填 1 (这张表是为父亲填的,part3 里母亲 not counted as family member as you suggested above)
Person not sponsored in this affidavit
2. Yourself,我填 1
3. If you are currently married, 我填 1
4. If you have dependent children, 我填 1
5. If you have any other dependents, enter the number here. 在这我需要填 1 吗?母亲 was not counted as family member is part 3, 她需要counted as my dependent 吗?