母亲3 个月前来美。 我刚拿到美国公民。现准备为母亲申请绿卡。请问
- Part 2: Address history, physical address 1 ( 12.a ~ 13.b): 因为我的mailing address 和Physical address 相同, 需要填吗? 若需要,physical address 2 (14.a ~15.b) 就不填, 对吗? 若不需要,那么 physical address 2 (14.a~15.b) 就填 我的住址, 对吗?
- Part3: Beneficiary ‘s Physical address: (11.a ~ 11.h) 母亲现在在美国和我住, 应该填现在美国的地址,还是母亲中国的地址?
- Part4: Place of beneficiary ’s current marriage (20a ~ 20.d), and Name of Beneficiary’s Spouses (21.a ~22) 父亲已去世,要填吗?还是留空?
I-485 表
- Part 1: US Mailing address:13.a (in care of Name):填我 还是母亲的名字? 或不填?
- Part 1: Recent Immigration History (19: Nonimmigrant Visa Number from this passport (if any))母亲 因护照过期换了新护照,B2 签证在旧护照上,留空? 还是填旧护照上B2 签证号码(加注旧护照上号码)?
- Part 1:24: what is your current immigration status (if it has changed since your arrival)?应该 填什么?母亲以B2 签证入境,现仍然是B2B2 签证入境,现仍然是B2
- Part 2: 3~9: Information about your Immigrant Category: 应该 填什么? 或 填 N/A?
- Part 4: information about your parents. 母亲以80多了, 她的父母早已去世,需要填吗?