Form I-130
Part 4 Q10: Has anyone else ever filed a petition for this beneficiary? 填‘Yes’
如果被担保人目前已经有approved I-140 在等排期的话,是否要填YES, 然后在Part 9 内解释?
另外,如果问住址或工作时间 从何时到何时,如果都没变,那么到目前的日子应该是填current, 还是填今天填表的日子?
Form I864
Part 3 Q1: I'm sponsoring the principal immigrant named in part 2; Yes? (就担保spouse 一人,对吗?)
Part3 Q29: - Type or print the total number of immigrants you are sponsoring on this affidavit form, should answer 1 ?
Persons you are sponsoring in this affidavit;
Part 5 Q1: Provide the number you entered in part 3., item number 29; 1 ?
Persons NOT sponsored in this affidavit;
Part 5 Q2; - Yourself, 1
Part 5 Q3; if you are currently married, enter 1 for your spouse.
因为担保人是担保配偶, Part3 Q29已经填1个人,但是在part5 Q2 不担保一栏,被要求填上配偶一人。这里有点搞不清究竟应该怎么填,请帮忙答疑, 万分感谢!