foxer2003-11-08 07:54:00
I plan to change F2 to F1 at Jaurez of Mexico in this December because I got the assistantship (10 hours/week) at following spring semester. I would like to know how much possibility of success I have. If you know, please tell me! I know it is dangerous to change visa in these days and pretty worry I will be rejected.

dashuaige2003-11-09 05:48:00
回复:F2 to F1
笨笨虫虫2003-11-09 07:50:00
回复:回复:F2 to F1
kvlinev2003-11-10 02:07:00
回复:F2 to F1
笨笨笨虫虫2003-11-10 07:06:00
笨笨虫虫2003-11-10 07:06:00