Solar2005-02-14 03:52:54
I wonder if everyone here has experience in filing petition for his/her brother or sister in US. Immigration service agencies typically ask $500 - $1000 per falimy for the service. But it seems to me the procedure is not that compplicated. What is needed is to send INS the petition along with the required documents. I will be appreciative if you could share your experience. The other thing is the birth certificate required for the petition. As everyone knows, expect perhaps for the hospitals in large cities, there are almost no records left for people who were born 30+ years ago in China. I don't know how this is handled in the petition.

Thank you for your help in advance.
what2005-02-14 04:36:30
Immigration service agencies?
Solar2005-02-14 06:23:03
回复:Immigration service agencie
sdfsdfsdff2005-02-14 15:21:20
回复:Help needed