wosai2003-11-19 23:27:00
Hi, all, I am in a complicated situation and need urgent advices. I am holding H1-B and was laid off recently and the last day with the company will be the end of this month. I plan to keep status by transferring to F2 first and then change back to H1-B as I will have a few interviews soon. My questions are as follow:

1.How long it will take to transfer to F2?

2.Is there any problem in changing back to H1B after F2 approval?

3.If new H1-B was approved earlier than F2, how can I withdraw the F2 application?

我见2003-11-20 00:49:00
回复:Urgent, please help!
wosai2003-11-20 15:37:00
Wo Jian, Thanks a lot!